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来源: 2018-05-25 17:08:05

火币集团全球生态成员之一,一致资本S. Capital近日荣获“超级投票节点”席位。一致资本是国内最早专注于区块链与数字资产领域投资的风险投资机构之一。超级投票节点是HADAX引入在行业内信誉良好的专业投资机构,采用严格的提名选举考察机制,最终在数百个拥有50万HT的专业机构中择优录取。

关于S. Capital一致资本:


一致资本由深耕于区块链领域的技术人、互联网风险投资人及区块链行业KOL共同发起创立。聚焦于区块链技术与加密数字资产的投资,成功参与过Aelf、 Bytom、 Nebulas、 Arcblock、Theta、Trinity、Ruff等三十多个区块链项目的投资。同时参与产业的配套服务,是国内最早专注于区块链与数字资产领域投资的风险投资机构之一。


S. Capital focuses on investment management of crypto asset, the crypto asset investment banks consultancy service, as well as blockchain technology and business consulting.

S. Capital is created together by technical people with excellent and abundant experiences in blockchain technology, internet industry investors and KOL in blockchain industry. Investment of blockchain technology and crypto asset attracted their most attention. Capital has invested more than thirty blockchain projects like Aelf, Bytom, Nebulas, Arcblock, Theta, Trinity, Ruff, and also took part in supporting service for these industries, which is one of the earliest venture capital institutions that concentrates on blockchain and crypto asset. At the same time, S. Capital is a member of Huobi Global Ecosystem Group.


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